Celebrate Piano 3 MIDI Files


This album consists of MIDI file accompaniments that correlate directly with the pieces in Celebrate Piano: Lesson & Musicianship, Book 3, and the coordinating solos from SOLOS 3 & 4. The MIDI files are playable in any keyboard, computer application, or mobile application that supports General MIDI sounds.

These imaginative MIDI files expand students’ understanding of color and articulation with the instrumentation tailored to the mood of each piece. Students develop an improved awareness of steady pulse, secure aural skills, and confident musicianship. Incorporating diverse rhythmic patterns and textural variety, the accompaniments contribute to an appreciation of many styles and an enriched musical experience.


Level 3   This General MIDI file album correlates directly with the pieces in Celebrate Piano: Lesson & Musicianship, Book 3, and the coordinating solos from SOLOS 3 & 4. 

  • 26 MIDI files for Lesson & Musicianship 3
  • 16 MIDI files for Solos 3
  • Printable PDF Playlist of all MIDI files correlated to the books