The Wild Horseman by Robert Schumann

This charming little piece has been a part of the piano repertoire for over 150 years. It has stood the test of time due to its attractive sound and because it was composed by the inimitable Robert Schumann. He was one of the great masters among the most famous composers. Every pianist should have his works included in their music studies. Find included with the interactive SuperScore edition, information about the composer as well as practice tips for learning and performing the work. The score features a MIDI performance by Andrew Harbridge. Both hands have been split in the recording to facilitate one-hand-at-a-time practice. This piece is at level 4.

Genre: , Performance Level: Instrumentation: Publisher: Composer / Arranger: MIDI Performer / Arranger: Tag:


The Wild Horseman

  • Composition by Robert Schumann
  • MIDI Recording by Andrew Harbridge, ACCM
  • Biography of the composer
  • Practice tips for learning and performance