The Science of Time and Rhythm by Jonathan Baer

The Science of Time and Rhythm is an interactive music theory book created by musician and percussionist Jonathan Baer. He created this book for students to learn the fundamentals of time and rhythm through musical lessons that instill phrasing, groove, syncopation, musicality and much more. In addition to teaching students how to read music notation, understand time signatures and complicated syncopation, this book was designed to help music educators to teach with ease and produce results through clarity and organization.

Genre: , Performance Level: ,,,Instrumentation: ,Publisher: Composer / Arranger: MIDI Performer / Arranger: Tag:


The Science of Time and Rhythm by Jonathan Baer

  • 4 progressive lesson modules, each consisting of:
    • Explanatory text
    • Play-along SuperScore examples
    • Worksheets
  • 19 rhythmic loops in a variety of time signatures