Sonatina à la Kuhlau by Andrew Harbridge

This fun little sonatina by Andrew Harbridge is written in the style of Kuhlau or Clementi. Its cheerful melody is sure to please. It features classical elements such as the Alberti bass and rapid scale passages. Find included with the interactive SuperScore edition, information about the composer as well as practice tips for learning and performing the work. The score features a MIDI performance by Andrew Harbridge. Both hands have been split in the recording to facilitate one-hand-at-a-time practice. This sonatina is a level 4 piece.

Genre: , Performance Level: Instrumentation: Publisher: Composer / Arranger: MIDI Performer / Arranger: Tag:


Springtime in Paris

  • Composition by Andrew Harbridge
  • MIDI Recording by Andrew Harbridge, ACCM
  • Biography of the composer
  • Practice tips for learning and performance